Visiting address

Duizendbladweg 100
1171 VA Badhoevedorp

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Attention: your navigation system may show directions via the Sloterweg. Unfortunately this road is closed in both directions. The JCS is accessible via the Loevenstijnse Randweg.

You can park your car in the visitors area of the parking lot of the JCS (€ 2,50 per hour, only PIN payment).

We expect both areas to fill up quickly. Signposts next to the access roads will inform you when this happens and are requested to park on P3. Attendants there will direct you to the walking route to JCS (next to the Albert Heijn pick-up point). There, you will also receive an exit ticket for the parking lot. Walking distance to JCS is approximately 12 minutes.

Another option is public transport or parking your car on P1 and continue with bus 185. This bus will stop at a temporary bus stop, about 100 metres from the main entrance..

Pick up and drop off
In front of the main entrance there is availability for a quick pick up or drop off. It is prohibited to park there.

Public transport
Bus 185 takes you from Schiphol Plaza stop B15 in approximately 8 minutes directly to the JCS vice versa. The bus stops and departs in front of the main entrance of the JCS. At peak times the bus runs 4 times per hour. Use and to plan your journey.