Your privacy is important to the Rechtspraak (the Dutch judiciary). The Rechtspraak handels your personal data confidentially and keeps your data secure in accordance with the statutory provisions set out in the General Data Protection Regulation (in Dutch ‘Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming, AVG) and the Directive data protection for the police and the judicial sector (in Dutch ‘Richtlijn gegevensbescherming politie en justitie’).

When you submit personal details, they will only be used for the purpose for which it was communicated.

The Rechtspraak has paid a lot of attention to the security of this website. If, however, you encounter a weakness, please report it to the contact point for vulnerabilities, in Dutch Meldpunt kwetsbaarheden.

Read more about how the Rechtspraak processes and protects your personal data.